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Saturday, October 10, 2015

Sunday cd 204

Duk Phichenda - 1:58 AM

  1. Sunday Cd 104 01 Download
  2. Sunday Cd 104 02  Download
  3. Sunday Cd 104 03 Download
  4. Sunday Cd 104 04 Download
  5. Sunday Cd 104 05 Download
  6. Sunday Cd 104 06 Download
  7. Sunday Cd 104 07 Download
  8. Sunday Cd 104 08 Download
  9. Sunday Cd 104 09 Download
  10. Sunday Cd 104 10 Download
Download full album Google Drive 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Traffic Accident

Duk Phichenda - 9:46 AM
Traffic accidents are the major issues in the Kingdom of Cambodia. The traffic accident rate has been rising year to year and it now become very serious accident that had been killing many people every year. Many problems have been accruing due to traffic accident such as:
  1. Killed many people
  2. Cause Injury & Handicap
  3. Damaging of Private & Public Properties
  4. Affect Environment 
  5. Impact Society & Economic

Base on my researching and my experiences, there are three main factors contributing to the occurring of traffic accident:
  1. Human errors factor
  2. Vehicle defect factor
  3. Bad road conditions factor

Solutions to the traffic accident in Cambodia must be mainly focused on three factors:
  1. Human factor is a big concern of this issue. Promote people about traffic law through the media such as: TV, radio, newspaper or magazine. One more is community such as: school or in public places. All people should follow traffic law as speed limitation, helmet wearing, and others. Driving skill and behavior also need to be improved by being forgiveness & morality during driving.
  2. Vehicle factor is another reason. We can dial with this by stop to use too old cars. Limiting the number of passengers and quantity of goods. Government should provide  free vehicle public service such as repairing and machine checking.
  3. Road factor Government should build more road, fix the old road ,and put enough traffic light, road sign traffic sign along the road. Roads should be built by following international standard.

Describe about education

Duk Phichenda - 9:40 AM

Tell your child that they are a smart person and have enough potential in themselves to thrive. Children really do have an amazing capacity to learn.
 Ask them if they need some help with their homework when they are doing it. When they say yes, help them and start explaining the concepts of this problem/topic.
·         Don't do the homework for them. Instead, explain what they need to know and ask questions to lead them to the answer.
·         Teach your children to keep track of their own assignments. Give them a calendar, notebook or even a piece of paper printed with the days of the week or month, and encourage them to write down assignments as soon as they receive them.
 Attend parent teacher conferences and talk to your children's teachers, either during conferences or before or after school. Join the PTA, be a band booster, attend the games if your child plays sports. Showing your own concern and effort will set a good example for your child.
·         Read to your children, especially while they are young.
·         Have books around the house. Purchased used, children's books are very affordable. Have a variety of books, but notice what interests your child and focus on that.
·         Get your child his or her own library card and teach them to use it. Let your child choose what to read for fun. For younger children, help keep track of library return dates. For older kids, teach them to keep a calendar and remind them to keep track of their own dates.
·         Do your own reading where your child will see you doing it.
You will keep up to date on their activities and show that you care. Moreover, if something is wrong at school, you can comfort them, guide them to a resolution or, if necessary, intervene on their behalf.

Although they look like fun rather than learning, there's a lot of learning hidden in games. Many board and card games require counting and math to keep score.


Duk Phichenda - 9:22 AM
As the debate over electronic communications privacy escalates in Congress and around the country, I testified this week before the Senate Judiciary Committee to discuss this very issue. The hearing provided an important opportunity to address users’ very reasonable expectations of privacy when it comes to the content in their email and other online accounts. 

Google strongly supports legislation to update the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), which was signed into law almost thirty years ago -- long before email accounts and the Web were part of our daily lives.  As it is currently written, ECPA allows government agencies to compel a provider to disclose the content of communications, like email and photos, without a warrant in some circumstances. This pre-digital era law no longer makes sense: users expect, as they should, that the documents they store online have the same Fourth Amendment protections as they do when the government wants to enter the home to seize documents stored in a desk drawer. 

There is no compelling policy or legal rationale for there to be different rules. Indeed, the law as currently written is unconstitutional, as the Sixth Circuit Federal Court of Appeals held back in 2010 in United States v. Warshak.  Google requires that law enforcement secure a warrant to compel Google to disclose content. 

In spite of the tremendous support for the legislation voiced across the political spectrum, some agencies that investigate civil infractions, as opposed to violations of criminal law, have sought to delay fixing the infirmities, and have even asked Congress for new and expanded powers. They seek the authority to force providers to search for and disclose users’ emails, documents and other content, rather than getting the information directly from users as they currently do. Congress should reject these efforts to expand the authority of these agencies, and should remain focused on fixing this broken statute. 

It is undeniable that ECPA no longer reflects users’ reasonable expectations of privacy and no longer comports with the Constitution. The Senate legislation, the ECPA Amendments Act of 2015, and its companion in the House, the Email Privacy Act, will ensure electronic communications content is treated in a manner commensurate with other papers and effects that are protected by the Fourth Amendment. 

The time for reform is now.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Traffic Volume Survey

Duk Phichenda - 7:33 AM

Traffic Volume Survey

Traffic volume characteristics-Traffic volume surveys refer to the counting of vehicles to recognize quantitatively the traffic situation. An houris usually used as unit time, but shorter periods such as 15 minutes or 1 minute are sometimes used.The individual cars moving with their own purpose, but typical patterns are usually observed when they are summed up along a certain street. Such patterns are observed in hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal and annual variations. Purpose of traffic volume survey The data obtained by the volume surveys are used for the following purposes. Identification of volume and variation characteristics. Evaluation of accidents rate. Planning new facilities and traffic control scheme. Evaluation of a plan or a scheme before and after implementation, and economic evaluation. Estimation of revenue for toll roads.

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