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Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Duk Phichenda - 5:36 AM
I. Introduction
1. Purpose: This survey was done in order to find the area of six sides polygon .
2. Method:  
¨ Instrument: We  used Total Station Machine and prism to obtain distance, azimuth angle, and internal angles.
¨ Time: This was done  at 19, May, 2015 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
¨ Process:
Þ Machine Installing: Install machine with its tripod legs and make sure that the bubble is locate in the right place. Place the survey machine on the point inside polygon called Point O and measure to all pints from A till F. Then we Install survey machine on each  point since A till F to point O.
Þ Measuring:
· First methot: Install machine on all points and measure to point A to B, B to C, and repeat this untill  finish to Point A. Doing this, we can obtain the internal angle and distances of all sides of the close traverse. Therefore, we can calculate the area of polygon by coordinate formula .
· For second process we measure from point O to all points that allow us to obtain the property of small triange includes two side and one angle that allow us to calculate area the the triagle by using A=1/2(a.b sinab). Finally we can fine the hold area of polygon by summation all triangle areas


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