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Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Vehicle as Source of Pollution

Duk Phichenda - 9:29 AM

Vehicle as Source of Pollution

What is a motor vehicle pollution?All motor vehicles release pollutants into the air-mostly through the exhaust fumes that come out of the tailpipe when the engine operates.99.4% of all pollutants gases are invisible.Pollutants produced by vehicle exhausts include:Carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, particles, volatile organic compounds and sulfur dioxide.Moving vehicles also transmit noise.Building noise barrierEnforcing rules (in urban areas)
What you can help as a citizen?

 Service your car regularly- Maintain correct Tyre pressure - Car pool when you can- Use public transport - Walk or cycling short trip- More...
How engineers can help?- Designing roads (ones with frequent
signalized intersections) where drivers can maintain a reasonable cruising speed and do not have to accelerate and decelerate frequently.


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